No matter, how desperately you try to keep things simple, straight and parallel; they get crooked and entangled. May be one would have done better had it was all him dealing the whole matter.However, in most of situations that is not the case. But you can't control the other people involved with the same incidence. There are and there will always remain some emo people, some too complicated to think straight, some seeking the meaning of "life" and " god" [duh!!] and some, who just relishes spoiling others broth.
How does it feel when you see your house to be aged, you apply some paint to make it like new and when you return home, you find things turned all the same again by some political writings on your wall. How does it feel when you plaster a broken corner of your house, and later you find it same all over again?
There are some people who never stop trying, who never gives up. But more importantly there are even more people who just loves to demolish it down. But still, if one manages to keep things straight, the credit belongs entirely to him.