Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Because for popular demand among my classmates ,I am jotting it down.But before anyone else reads it, and wonders what the heck am I talking about, I better post some warning, that unless you are a student of Jadavpur University E-faculty or more specifically unless you are a student of the "popular" electrical engineering department, and unless you are familiar with PKC, the following may sound insane to you. And one thing I must say here that, I have written whatever I've heard, I haven't added a single word on my "own" although I doubt whether it's a good idea to use the word "own", because everything that follows, are my own words, and obviously it didn't came from PKC's mouth, but when they reached me,they sounded as follows. Finally I must mention that I've no intention to show any disrespect to PKC or the electrical department. I am writing down whatever I've heard. So here it goes---

Papa bear rolls capacitors. This A matrix permutes papa bear. Factorisation with foul intentions. A can be deleted. This interchange is asshole. We calculate factor L and a lot of A. Papa bear generates feces. Pee intended. Initially in this procedure A matrix is calculated for ceremonial purposes. Papa bear is an asshole. So our original problem was to find the social instability,Kelvinator fridges, you may get them if you are lucky. It causes larger Massachusetts. Now we will talk about aftershave lotions,LN computer cell. If you calculate in this fashion, the cyborgs gonna attack you. You compute all the elements like the Chequered flag. This is a thikthak salad. $#%#@%^@@@@^ [Latin word(s), can't be typed by qwerty keyboard I reckon!!] becomes a porn. The conserved variable annoys the God.

-- An excerpt from PKC's lecture on "Numerical analysis" dated 25.07.2009

Monday, July 27, 2009

At some point of time, all of us are forced to make a decision ie. what actually we want. Do we want peace of our own soul or are we truly determined to devote our soul for the sake of others.

Frankly speaking, it all started on august,2008, when I saw a someone with a weird name. The name was uncommon but I knew its meaning, and till now I've never came across a namesake of hers. There's some feelings that you can't express, you can't make someone understand that why an otherwise outspoken person starts stammering in front of a particular person. You can't make someone feel that how come another one becomes able to predict what's going on in his/her mind. You can't make someone understand that its not God gifted. There's some feelings that you can never share with someone else, you can never share the experience of praying for someone else's sake while getting soaked in rain and shivering in cold, the agony or frustration that someone experiences when he feels that the voice of the person he is talking to, is coming from a locked room. You can never tell anyone that how it feels to shed tears for others, feel the pain of others. People simply think that what other people do is for themselves. that others are damn selfish,true are they. People are selfish. That's why some people yell at others while the later is in pain. But what remains untold is that the former is experiencing a twofold pain seeing the other in pain. There are some things that should remain untold. And they remain untold, the agony of being late, the agony of seeing someone you love,getting lost, the agony of failing to express emotions properly.Some say these are signs of obsession, some say of compulsion, and some say of true love. That can bet anything to see a piece of smile, to wipe a drop of tear, to ascertain true happiness of others.

I knocked a door, a voice from inside told me to come in. As I entered it, I felt its already overcrowded, then someone from inside the room kicked me out, I waited outside the door, gradually all left, there was pindrop silence, suddenly I heard a sob. I cried out from outside," hey you there!! is everything okay??". A voice replied," yes and no." From then I am waiting outside the same door for the sob to stop, my heart telling me," someday it will stop, someday your weak shoulder will help someone." but it isn't. So I am still waiting. Waiting for eternity to see a phoenix, my phoenix, that loves to win, but dares to face the cruelty of failure, that rebuilts itself from ashes.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

What's the duty of friends? Are they supposed to always butter you? Keep muttering words like, " You are the best as you are", " and that's our...." blah blah blah, or are they supposed to slap you when you require one or two. I've always preferred one of the second type,who will pat my shoulders when I deserve, and kick my butt when I deserve. The problem is whenever someone tells one to change, the later one often grows a sense that " I am not welcome as I am", and a misunderstanding gets created. I think in this short span of my life, whatever I have suffered, I have suffered on my own. Obviously my friends and family were on my side most of the time but at the end of the day, it was me who had to undergo all of it. And I have always preferred the ones, who used to alert me of the pain, I have always preferred harsh,crude words that makes one almost cry, but removes the root of pain. I am really confused now, what will I do? should I continue being the bad guy or should I get transformed into yet another " I am your best friend" and say," You shouldn't change yourself, you are best as you are.". I am really confused. :(