Sunday, July 19, 2009

What's the duty of friends? Are they supposed to always butter you? Keep muttering words like, " You are the best as you are", " and that's our...." blah blah blah, or are they supposed to slap you when you require one or two. I've always preferred one of the second type,who will pat my shoulders when I deserve, and kick my butt when I deserve. The problem is whenever someone tells one to change, the later one often grows a sense that " I am not welcome as I am", and a misunderstanding gets created. I think in this short span of my life, whatever I have suffered, I have suffered on my own. Obviously my friends and family were on my side most of the time but at the end of the day, it was me who had to undergo all of it. And I have always preferred the ones, who used to alert me of the pain, I have always preferred harsh,crude words that makes one almost cry, but removes the root of pain. I am really confused now, what will I do? should I continue being the bad guy or should I get transformed into yet another " I am your best friend" and say," You shouldn't change yourself, you are best as you are.". I am really confused. :(

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