Friday, January 01, 2010

My first post of the decade

I don't know why people have gone so crazy about this year, 2010. What I'm trying to say is that I've seen quite a few new years. Yes! itprovides an occasion to celebrate . But this year, its like craziness filling the year. Starting with people becoming apprehensive about the arrival of the year much beforehand. I could hear whispers and planning among my friends from as early as the second week of December. Yes, there may be people who does do the same every year. But this year, even the unaccustomed ones, who always used to take the new year's eve as "yet another day" [or at least pretended to do so], have joined the party.

I am not saying that I am getting irritated by this sudden change in people. In fact, I'm enjoying it because I love happy faces. But, this sort of craziness or rather "insanity" is a better word, has made me inquisitive. I don't know whether my lack of activity or what is the reason, but I've talked with quite a few people. And have finally arrived to the conclusion that people are expecting that this year, 2010 will bring on a radical change in their life. People are getting frustrated in their mundane life. May be the quality of our living has improved manifold but the satisfaction level in citizens has also deteriorated significantly.

Another thing, that I've noticed in people around me is that, most of them are pissed off with the year 2009 by some way or other. Some had educational problems, some are frustrated with the increasing pressure of study, some had disastrous semesters,some had serious family problems, while some have undergone broken relationships. All in all, they all are expecting that the advent of this new year, will be able to banish the last traces of blues from their life.

I am optimistic too. Let's enjoy this season of Cauliflowers, "Joynogorer Moya"s, Roses, Chrysanthemums, Granny made Pickles,Hangouts, get togethers and parties.



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