Sunday, February 01, 2009


Wrapped in polythene tucked away safe in my mind
A little goodbye may be or just a passing smile

-These are the initial lines of a song that I did not like once. Yesterday night I had a tough fight with my N70, I wanted to get it connected to my PC, while the stubborn device simply refused to do so, I tried everything form reinstalling the pc suite to grinding the jack to the port, but none worked. Then I opened the bottom lid and tried to connect it and voila! it was done. Its a poor example though but still an example of how tough problems can be solved in trivial fashion. Our life is a big game, during this journey of innings, we come across different problems, some are important,some not so.We confront those situations with all the force we have, but sometimes they don't require such a brutal approach. Many things can be solved with a gentle approach towards it.
Ok!! enough of advices. Let's get back to the topic [if there's any :D], I used to hate that song once and now I have listened it for about 15 or so times since last night. Here I got another important lesson, that no song is good or bad, it entirely depends on your mood. Depending on your mood you may look for a hard rock song, and again sometimes you may even look for a soft one.

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