I used to think that Creed songs are for happy souls, it "apparently" talks about the lighter sides of life. Their main theme being success, joy, love stories etc [all apparently] whereas Alterbridge songs quite clearly helps one to fight the griefs in his/her life, makes him/her realise that he/she is not the only one out in this world facing all those troubles. I personally feel that "happy souls" don't need music for their survival that much. So I used to prefer Alterbridge. Until I realized that there is a hidden message in almost all Creed songs. Say for example, "My sacrifice" apparently tells the story of a successful love where the boy is saying how much he has been obliged by the presence of his lady love. But if one listens carefully he will notice that past tense is used throughout the song. Also the significance of repeated usage of the words "my sacrifice" remains unexplained. I had to listen to the song carefully for at least 50 odd times to realize the fact that the boy is actually no more in this world. The same is true with "With arms wide open" although here the statement is a bit clearer. While stating how much he adores her, suddenly the singer shouts out, " If I get one more chance,......, I hope he's not like me, I hope he understands"... most of the Creed songs makes one to think.
While Alterbridge songs are much more straightforward I reckon. Its much easier to grasp the meaning of the sentence, " on broken wings I am flying, it wont take long"["Broken wing"] than to guess the meaning from tenses. Most of the Alterbridge songs are enriched with such easy to comprehend lyrics. Say " Metalingus"... I don't think that there's any hidden meaning. Also, I personally feel that Alterbridge dares to experiment with the music. [ the instrumentals], which is a negative side in Creed's songs according to my opinion.
I personally think that songs should be easy to comprehend [there's rocket science for complicated minds], so although I must admit that Creed songs are beautiful and some of them are among my all time favorites; my choice is Alterbridge. x)
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