Saturday, April 04, 2009

The world has turned into a biiiiig frying pan, and someone is roasting us. Heatwaves are spreading in all directions with tremendous speed ,recently. And it is getting nearly impossible to concentrate on anything, be that a game or some studies or anything else. With the increasing heat, human beings are turning more and more stubborn and obstinate. Well!! that doesn't seem to be the case with me, recently I have undergone a serious change in my mind. Now I am experiencing immense pleasure in facing defeat. I am facing defeat in everything, literally everything. The results are not always prominent but still.. I am getting defeated by... myself. A few days back I accepted the defeat in something that was only halfway through according to my opinion. But still I was getting bored of the daily struggles, so I thought I rather give up and watch. After another few days, I decided to only give up. I am accepting everything that people are telling to me. However hard that may be. I am accepting everything. Because, I am defeated and I have nothing inside me anymore that'll charge me up to continue the struggle.

1 comment:

Diya said...

your imagination does run wild dude... the world is really a frying pan, frying us all until we are roasted...! and theres no other way out of this than giving up...