Wednesday, April 01, 2009

I wonder why every blog in this world gets overcrowded with the word "I", probably its the favorite word of most of the people in this world. I myself studied all of my blogs, and have found that I am also biased. So I thought why not I write a entry based not on me.

She started form her home. With the load of a 10 kg bag on her little shoulders, she rode a bus. It was her daily routine. Going to bed at a time, which is not so normal for normal people [although earlier than me :D], getting up from her dreams at a time which is not so normal for normal people, leave the house for her destination at a time which is again not so normal for normal people. Everything about her was not so normal, which a normal person call normal, but still she was normal, a little bit abnormal though.

However this day was not lucky for her, the bus refused to advance beyond a certain stoppage, and left her on a crossing, with four roads in four directions, she found herself in a very awkward situation. Right from the day, when she started her daily journey, she relied on the bus, and never felt the urge to know the path to her destination. First she thought that the road where the bus was standing will certainly not be the road she wants, because she came from there, but it leaves the other three roads. Moreover she was new in the locality, and did not know the local language, so it was even worse for her. So what did she do??

She went right at the mouth of the road from where she came, and started heading towards her home, but midway in the path, she suddenly thought that it was very important for her to reach the destination that day, so she made an about turn and went towards the crossing. But on reaching the crossing the same problem arose once again so she turned back to home, on midway she again changed her mind, and reached the crossing yet again. She did it for the whole day, numerous times. And finally getting tired she went back to her shelter.
And the day ended.

1 comment:

Diya said...

ya really true... ppl are really obsessed with themselves "I" :P