First of all, the way they deceive others really annoys me. Its not actually the case that I can't tolerate watching people being used . Rather I believe that the morons should be "used" in order to make them realise that they are morons and time has come for changing themselves.[however, I don't categorize "emotional fools" to be morons].But what really pisses me off that the people think that their "crime" wont get revealed. Come on, you have thousands of people of same/higher intelligence level than you, surrounding yourself. Then how can you expect that your deeds wont come out. May be it'll take an year, and by that time fear of getting caught will make absolutely no headache to you. Although I'm more of a humanist type, and hate taking opportunity of the weaker sides of a human character, but I still admire those people who plan it up. Who knows that their "crime"s will come out one day and try to calculate the probable time required for it and take actions according to their "research". But then there are people who try to deceive people and their act gets caught on the very next weak.Really embarrassing huh??!!
And then there are people who tend to use others. And then they suddenly realize that they have committed a "crime". A guilty feeling starts growing in their mind and what they do? they apologize to the concerned people. I hate this. Because if the person on the receiving end is a "good" human being, he/she's gonna forgive the other person for sure. And their lies the even more bitter part. I think this kinda people should never be forgiven, but just because the other person is a bit "soft" in nature, they get whatever they want. And they "use" the person once again.
Although, I don't really believe in God, I do believe that there is someone who's watching and everybody must pay for what they have done. I don't believe in heavens or hells, I think they pay it back during their lifetime. Perhaps someone "use"ing them in the same way he/she did with someone else.
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