Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Its all about pointing out who are your friends and who are enemies. Well! sometimes, people do wear a mask of a friend. But such things are beyond the scope of this little brain. I am talking about the known friends and known enemies.

He loves his enemies. They provide him with the fuel that he needs to motivate himself. He knows that there are some people who are completely reluctant about this kind of motivation, they are least bothered about whatever their enemies do, they know whatever they do,they can't subdue them. He is jealous of such people. He can't be like them. So he thought - its better to adapt yourself to the situation rather than to run after something you can never be.

As I said, he loves his enemies. He loves the way they irritate him, they taunt him, they try to oppress him, try to drain out the last drop of blood from his mundane body. He loves the way they laugh at him. Those laughs gives him motivation.Once he was told-" when you are in a game, never look at the face face of the opponent unless the situation compels you to do so. This way you will never be aware of the identity of your opponent and can play your natural game." Those words went embossed in his heart. Every time somebody laughs at him, mimics him, uses him to their own purpose, he learns a lesson. Its something like lamentation, only difference being instead of punishing himself he toils. He toils hard. His enemies go to bed. They are satisfied that he can never surpass them. Whereas he spends sleepless nights. He improves himself. And one day......

When someone gets insulted by someone else, sometimes the person challenges the opponent to enter his lair and get out alive. He's not like that. He likes to kill the opponent with their own weapon.



srijita said...

dis 'he' s agn 1 'u'! :)
wel, i like dis 'do or die' atti..kip up! ;)

Soulreaver said...

thankies!! :)