Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Normality vs Abnormality

Well! Lets start this topic this way,what is normality and what's abnormal? According to me, normality is that what most of the people do. Be that a "positive" thing or a "negative" thing. What I am trying to say is, anything that most of the people do,may be looked upon as a normal thing. For example, most of the people in urban areas, go to bed by 12:00. So it may be looked upon as the "normal" time to go to bed. A particular sample [read: I] goes to bed no earlier than 3:00 am. So that's deviation from normality and can be said to be abnormal. Take another example: A teen age boy is expected to gawk at gorgeous girls, in fact most of the people [here I belong to the normal group] do so. So it may be regarded to be perfectly normal. While some guys may abstain themselves from doing so, although to some, this may be a positive attribute of character but frankly speaking, its abnormal. Once again because of the fact that he lies beyond the (+/-) [mean + 3*standard deviation] range of the normal curve. Although it sounds awkward but anything that doesn't belong to that range can be regarded as abnormal and can not be taken as the base of comparison. For example: If someone compares one's sleeping habits with mine, he/she isn't doing the right thing because I do not belong to the normal group [for that category] and thus should not be chosen as the basis of comparison. I think, I made it clear that what "normality" actually is.

Now the question arises that whats abnormality then? According to me: Anything that shows even the slightest trend of deviation from normality, can be regarded as abnormal.Like my sleeping habit. So, I may be looked upon as an abnormal human being on that aspect.

Now the million dollar question. Which one is better? being normal or being abnormal? I think the answer should be being normal.I am saying this because of the fact that most "abnormal" people gain an " abnormal" pleasure by thinking themselves to be unique. I am really sad to say that, this particular normal distribution is based on a sample space of the total population of the planet earth. So lying beyond that particular range doesn't ensure uniqueness. Yes! one can say that the ratio is small but the total number of such people isn't that small. So if this "abnormality" isn't helping you to be unique, then why this deviation from normality?

What to do when you come in contact with an abnormal human being?

1. Judge the level of abnormality

2. Decide whether the type of abnormality can harm you or not.
3. Take some time and think again.
4. Take decision according as the outcome of step 2

And if you can't decide, my suggestion is to avoid them. We live in a normal world. :)

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